Tailed Plane
This fun paper glider flies well and has a unique look with a long tail.

Tailed Plane
This fun paper glider flies well and has a unique look with a long tail.
A unique design that uses one piece of paper, but cuts it into two pieces that you put back together to make one paper airplane.
Paper Airplane Folding Instructions

1. Fold the paper diagonally as shown. Cut off the bottom piece to make a square. Save the bottom piece to use later.

2. Fold the left corner down to the opposite corner and unfold to create an 'x' crease.

3. Next, accordion fold the sides in to create a triangle shape.

4. Fold both bottom corners up to the top point.

5. Take the extra piece that you cut off earlier and fold the top corners to the center to form an arrow.

6. Insert the arrow all the way into the plane's body.

7. Next, fold the tip of the airplane down to secure the inner arrow.

8. Finally, tuck both center flaps into the top piece and then slightly crease the plane in half.

To throw this paper airplane, pinch the front from underneath until you get a good grip. The two sides will be at around 90 degrees to each other when you do this. Throw with medium force and use small adjustments of the tail to get it to fly level and straight. This glider tends to loop in circles instead of flying straight.
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