Soaring Eagle
This fast paper airplane soars well indoors and out.

Soaring Eagle
This fast paper airplane soars well indoors and out.
A glider that circles in the air like an eagle search for its next meal.
Paper Airplane Folding Instructions

1. Measure around 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) down from the top and draw a horizontal line.

2. Fold the top edge down to the line and then fold it down again on the line.

3. Next, fold the plane in half away from you.

4. Fold the top right corner down along the opposite edge.

5. Flip the plane around and repeat with the other side.

6. Unfold everything back to step two. Then fold the top corners so they meet the diagonal creases.

7. Fold the top corners in again, along the creases, to the center.

8. Fold the top down to the bottom edge. If you are using A4 paper, leave a 2.5cm gap between the point and the bottom edge.

9. Fold the point back up as shown.

10. Fold the top outer edges along each side of the triangle shape.

11. Click the image above to enlarge it and use a ruler to copy the measurements for the folding lines. Or just estimate if you don't have a handy ruler.

12. Fold the paper plane in half.

13. Now, fold the wings out along the lines.

14. Tape, glue or staple the nose of the plane together.

The measurements above do not need to be exact, if you don't have a ruler handy. Add a staple at the center of mass (around 2 inches from the tip) to keep the fuselage together. Make sure it's symmetrical and let it fly!
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