The Arrow
A fast paper airplane that goes straight like an arrow.

The Arrow
A fast paper airplane that goes straight like an arrow.
Difficult to fold, but worth the effort for this fast flying dart.
Paper Airplane Folding Instructions

1. Fold the paper in half and then unfold.

2. Fold the top right corner so that you make a crease going from the center top to the bottom right corner. Unfold.

3. Fold the right corner down to the crease of the previous fold and then refold step 2.

4. Repeat step two and three with the left side.

5. Fold the top point down to the bottom.

6. Fold the top point back up as shown. The doubled over part should be just under 1 inch (2.5cm) tall.

7. Fold the plane in half and then temporarily unfold.

8. Fold in the right side of the top part of the airplane. At the same time, push up and flatten the small triangle piece.

9. Repeat the last step with the left side and then fold the airplane in half.

10. Hold the wings together and cut out a piece to make the shape above. Download our printable instructions for an easy template.

11. Refold the body and fold out the wings.

12. Finally, cut some tail fins to make fine adjustments to the flight.

Use a small piece of tape to keep the front part together and make small adjustments to the fins if necessary for level flight. Throw at about 45 degrees with full force for the longest flights.
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